Healthcare & Life Sciences

We Promote Science and Life.

We Want to Expand The Limits of Medicine and Science

We promote research, development and innovation in treatments that positively impact the well-being and health of society.

In this sector we find different subsectors with different levels of risk.

The biotechnological subsector, for example, is riskier, while the pharmaceutical sector is very attractive and defensive, since large companies are in charge of exploiting already consolidated products, registering the highest sales in the sector. Due to this difference, various diversified portfolios can be built that achieve balance, having ample fund options such as health services, pharmaceuticals, oncology, tissues,distribution, biomechanics, etc.

We want to expand the limits of medicine and science, promoting transformative and innovative technologies towards success.

Investment in Healthcare and Life Sciences will continue to have a very favorable future, since in recent decades, even before the pandemic, the sector has had systematic growth, positioning itself above the rest of the world economy.


Growth Outlook

During the year 2021 alone, 61 companies in the health sector and 23 in biotechnology have had a valuation of more than 1 trillion dollars. From the year 2000 to date, only 179 companies in the health sector and 166 in the biotech sector had reached this threshold.

We Promote Research, Development and Innovation for The Welfare of Society.