Solid Waste Plant
In Planet Cluster we have chosen to use the technique of zero emissions by plasma generator, which is characterized by the application of clean technologies and high energy yields, which allows us to contribute to the State policy of reducing the emission of polluting gases in the atmosphere and thus avoid the so-called greenhouse effect.
The high carbon content in the garbage allows energy generation and other derived materials to be obtained that are also recyclable, resulting in practically non-existent waste. Through clean production processes, with no sulfur content and low content of Varsols, We protect our environment, we obtain productions with satisfactory economic and social results. This allows the structuring of a solid Company with national and international projection, through the use of cutting-edge technology.

Mine & Oil
We have created an entire structure of mining and oil professionals who, together with its consultancy, engineering, architecture, financial and environmental structure, have created a new concept of operating raw material production centers for large clients and for the government itself. of emerging countries.
We make a difference by creating a synergy with specialists in the management and operation of mines and oil wells, marking a strategic socialization plan where the project integrates a true social, human, urban and educational development.

We regulate the environmental impact, that is why we develop activities parallel to the industries through: Implementation of mineral extraction systems without the use of polluting components, through clean systems. Recovery of the affected areas, returning these areas to their natural and autochthonous state in order to mitigate the effects. Incorporation of technologies such as water and sludge cleaning, in order to mitigate the affected area of said industry in the points where they are located.

Water Treatment Plan Project
We have dedicated great efforts to materialize a system that allows, even in extreme conditions, to treat water from any source at reasonable costs, both in the initial investment and in operating costs.
The main criteria for developing the system are: the quality of the water delivered to the user, the efficiency and effectiveness of the treatment system, costs and ease of implementation.
The proposed system is environmentally and economically sustainable.